Hotel Górsko, Wieliczka

Two-person room

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  2. Rooms
  3. Two-person room
Basic information:
  • Area: 14m2
  • Max.: 3
The perfect room to rest for 2. A quiet location in the city center is conducive to rest.Each room is equipped with LCD TV, bathroom with shower and mineral water.
  • TV
  • mineral water
  • chair with a table
  • Bathroom with shower
  • Beauty set
  • Towels
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from 220 /night

A perfect room for a business traveler. The room has an LCD TV and a bathroom with a shower.

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All three-person rooms in our hotel are spacious and ideal for families with small children.The possibility of adding an extra bed is an advantage of these ...

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from 500 /night

A perfect room for a family with small children, a large LCD TV, a double bed for parents, a bathroom with a shower.

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in the center of Wieliczka

Hotel Górsko
ul. Górsko 14/16, 32-020 Wieliczka

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